BecherGame2002 - BrmBrm...

  1. Real&Motyca Team:
      Lead Programming (Win/OpenGL) : Marek Lorenc
      Porting Programming (Linux): Vladomir Calfa
      Graphics Art / Scripting: Srefan Schvarc
      Music: Martin Schvarc

  2. Minimal System Requirements:
      CPU 5x86 300Mhz, 32MB RAM, 7MB HDD
      3D Graphics Accelerator (NVidia/Ati), Soundcard
      Windows 98/ME/NT/2k/XP, DirectX 8

  3. Known bugs:
      Some problems with Voodoo and other non ATI/NVidia graphics cards (bled) ;(((
      3 players on 1 keyboard... players quite often block each others keys ;(

  4. Error Reporting:
      If you encounter a bug pls report to

  5. Gameplay:
      What it is all about? BrmBrm is a simple 3D arcade game situated in a glass on an ice cube ;) (content of the glass? -Becherbitter of course ;)).

      *Normal Mode:
      This game mode is divided in rounds (each round requires to press Enter when ready). Your goal is to stay at the melting ice platform as long as possible and to get rid of the other players by droping them in the water (they'll will try the same:).
      A round ends, when there is only 1 or 0 of players left on the ice platform.
      In each new round weapons are reset. Wehicles are indestructable. The winner is the player, who reaches the highest score within the selected amount of rounds (No. of rounds).

      Almost the same rules as in Normal Mode, but... but there are no rounds.
      At the start all players have the selected amount of "frags" (maybe it should by rather called "lives").
      A player who falls down from the ice platform, losses a "life" and respawns again on the platform. There are no breaks within the game and the platform size is constant (it doesn't melt).
      Your goal is to wipe out all your enemies so they have 0 lives.

  6. *Camera view:
      By pressing F1,F2,F3 keys you can browse through the camera preset.
      By holding down the left mouse button and moving it while playing (within the game or between round etc.), you can freely rotate round the scene.

  7. *Weapons:
      Basic cannon icon - Basic cannon, basic weapon, infinite ammo (bullets).
      Rocket Launcher icon - Rocket Launcher, 5 rockets (explosion).
      Grenade Launcher icon - Grenade Launcher, 3 grenades (explosion).
      Land mines icon - Land Mines, 3 mines (explosion).
      Ice Blaster icon - Ice Blaster, 2 shoots (Freezes the enemy for 3 seconds).
      Nuke bomb icon - Nuke bomb, 1 massive explosion (within the launch: player freezed, immune to explosion, 50% bullets absorbed).
      Armour icon - Armour, 18 seconds (immune to freeze, immune to explosions, 50% of damage from bullets reduced).
      Cannon Turret icon - Cannon Turret, 5 seconds (powerfull bullets ignoring enemy shield, player freezed, immune to exposion, 50% bullets absorbed).

  8. *Wehicles:
      - 5 models, possible to change colors (color1 - left mouse, color2 - right mouse)
      - indestructable (destroing enemy is not the point)
      - all models have same characteristics

    S pozdravom,
      Real&Motyca Team